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2024 Invista Retiree Benefits Annual Enrolment
Immediate Attention required:
Two issues have emerged in regards to the 2024 Choices enrolment process
- The 2024 Invista Retiree Benefits Annual Enrolment did not include the Invista flex $650: which may be applicable for some of you. The problems was subsequently corrected on the evening of October 25. If you have already made your selection you may want ensure that you have taken advantage of all the flex $. You can do so by re-entering the web portal (Web Self Service: https://invista.seb-admin.com) or calling the Benefits Centre (1-866-307-7793). You have until 5 PM November 3 to finalize your selection."
The $650 Flex Select Credit. SEB ( 3rd party IT firm ) has identified 85 members impacted by this and have agreed to reach out to each member, so they know they do not have to re-enroll unless they want to make a change. SEB has also provided coaching to their call centre that if these members call in, they do not need to re-enroll unless they want to make a change.
Please ensure that if the $650 INVISTA flex dollars apply to you that the benefit centre has reached out to you. - Wrong addresses on re-enrolment documents: SEB found the issue with the addresses - our vendors CIBC and SEB are working together to correct the issue. We are still waiting to hear how many addresses were incorrect. We are extending the enrolment for an additional week for anyone impacted by this issue.
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