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Article in the Toronto Sun from Bob Farmer CFP discussing Pension changes

Here is a link to an article in the Toronto Sun where Bob Farmer, president of the Canadian Federation of Pensioners (CFP), discusses the negative effect of changes that the Ontario government is implementing to the pension underfunding requirements of companies.

These changes will affect everyone and it is imperative that we collectively take action. It is never too late to implement change, but to do so, we need to let Queen's park know that we are not happy with what they are doing. This legislation will affect you, not today but it will touch on you at some time in the future. Here is what you can do:

  1. Comment on this article in the Sun. If the topic is considered "hot" enough, it will be picked up and coverage will continue, so the issue will not just fade away. Don't be abusive, as this will just get the topic closed and do no good. Be concerned about the pending legislation but supportive of the proposal. 
  2. Email your local MPP. They have people that review their emails and while they may not answer you directly when enough people in a constituency speak up on a topic, that interest is brought to the attention of people higher up. Again be supportive of the CFP proposal, yet concerned about the impact of the pending changes
  3. Email Queen's park. Same effect as emailing your MPP. When enough activity is generated on any topic, people notice.
  4. Encourage pensioners you know to get involved. Many people may not hear about these changes or think it won't affect them. Talk about how these changes will affect pensions. While it can be difficult for an individual to make a difference, they can join DIPAC or CFP and add their voice to either association's action. This can make a difference.

My apologies: I originally said that this article appeared in the Toronto Star when it was actually in the Toronto Sun. The link remains to the correct paper.

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