Registration Form
DuPont/INVISTA Pensioners Association-Canada
Print, complete this page and mail, with the appropriate Annual Dues, to;
Janice Daly, Treasurer, DIPAC
6424 Warbler Lane
Mississauga, ON L5N 6E2
Please Print
□ New Registration |
□ Renewal Registration |
Pensioner InformationName: ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ |
City: _________________________________________ | Province: ______ | Postal Code: _______ _______ |
Phone: ( __________ ) __________ - ______________ |
Fax: ( __________ ) __________ - ______________ |
e-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________________ |
Year of Retirement: __________________________ |
Location at Retirement: _________________________________________________________________________ |
SurvivorshipAt retirement, did you elect to leave a Joint & Survivor pension payable to your spouse upon your death? |
Name of Spouse: ________________________________________________________________________________ |
FeesAnnual Membership - □ 1yr/$20 | □ 2yr/$40 | □ 3yr/$60 | □ 4yr/$80 | □ 5yr/$100 |
Please make cheques payable to: DuPont/INVISTA Pensioners Association-Canada. |